Skull Strings Electric Guitar Strings DROP C 11-58

Skull Strings

ID: 200031 / Product is: Temporarily Sold Out
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€ 9.90
Hard & Heavy set: 0.011-0.015-0.018-0.032w-0.044w-0.058w

Skull Strings Drop C 11-58 Guitar Strings


Made in the USA from high-quality imported Swedish metals that contain over 17 % chromium, this high grade stainless steel forms an invisible, tenacious and highly protective passive layer of chromium oxide which forms on the surface.

It’s the presence of the element chromium in excess and the humidity in the air that are responsible for the formation of this layer. Once this layer deteriorates, it regenerates itself by the same process. This unique process makes SKULL Strings resistant to corrosion and oxidation.

Drop C = C G C F A D

The DROP line strings are perfectly balanced for this type of tuning and will keep the guitar neck from warping.